Article Writing

Article Writing - Concepts
Class - 9th English Proficiency Subjects
Concept Explanation

Article Writing

Article Writing :  An article is a piece of writing , written for a large audience. The main motive behind writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers, magazines or other journals so as to make some difference to the world.

Title: Usually 5-6 words are ideal but there are no hard and fast rules. The title can be a single word, a phrase or even a sentence.

Body: A good article consists of several paragraphs (usually 3 to 5 in an examination situation). Each paragraph deals with only one main idea, point or argument.

Purpose or Writing: In an examination, nothing is written purposelessly. All the writing tasks have a specific purpose. Before writing an article or speech, make sure whether you are writing to inform people, to persuade them, to entertain them to convince them.

Target Readers/Audience: Who are the potential readers/audience of your article or speech? Are they students, educated people, experts on the subject of your write-up or laymen?

Plan Before you Pen: Before you start writing, read the topic and accompanying instructions carefully. Make use of the given hints, notes, visual etc. Brainstorm for 3 to 5 minutes and note down as many ideas as you can think of.

Your writing should have the following characteristics in order to qualify as well-written:

Vocabulary and Grammar: Most students to get good marks in their writing section simply because their vocabulary is inadequate and the range of grammatical structures they use is limited.

Unity: Each paragraph should deal with only one major idea which is conveyed in a single sentence called topic sentence. All other sentences contain supporting ideas.

Research: Students will need to research their topics. For example, for an article on ‘Child Labour’ they will need to know the statistics on child labourers in India and information regarding their plight as well as information about what the Govt. and Non-Government organization are doing for them.

Difference Between An Article And Speech: The two are similar except that a speech begins with a formal address to the audience and is more conversational in tone. In an examination, students may or may not be required to write a separate formal beginning for a speech like Honourable President ……….. etc. A speech can conclude with a ‘Thank you.”

Question : - Write an article for a leading newspaper highlighting the damage that plastic bags do to the environment, how they contaminate food and even spread diseases. Give your article a suitable heading.

Answer : - From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, from Daman and Diu to Dimapur, India is one. Well, we are quite a united nation so far plastic pollution is concerned. One of the major contributors to this sorry state is the polythene carry bag that we use everywhere - at home, in parks, while shopping etc. We simply throw it away when we don't need it or when it is town or too worn out to be used. But that is the time when it starts showing its real character. Neither air nor water can pass through this material.

Did you know that an empty pack of chips you throw away on the road will take hundreds of years to decay and decompose, if at all it decays and decomposes ? How would you react to the news that a cow died because she had chewed and ingested too much of toxic plastic bags ? Or to the news that our water bodies and sewerage pipes and drains are being choked with discarded plastic bags ?

Vast tracts of land are fast becoming barren because of the indiscriminate and unnecessary use of polybags. Choked drains are making our cities unhygienic, unhealthy and a breeding ground fod deadly mosquitoes and viruses which can cause diseases like malaria and dengue.

But that is only half of the problem. Most of the packaged food is wrapped in plastic, the contents of which are poisonous. They contaminate the food rendering it unfit for consumption. The greatest threat, however come from hospital waste of plastics and burning of residual plastics which sends toxic fumes into atmosphere.

Even as the scientists are trying their best to develop environmental friendly and bio-degradable plastics, we can do a lot in protecting the environment from the menace of plastics. We should cut down the use of plastics. For example, while shopping, we should carry a cloth or jute bag and refuse to accept polythene bags. Another thing we can do is recycle virgin and food grade plastics. Alternatives of plastics or environment friendly or biodegradable plastics should be promoted through taxsops.

No government or non-government organization can fight a lone was against plastics and win it. What is needed is the people's army to knock out this enemy of environment.

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Language - English

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